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  • Hosting Agreement

    The Hosting Agreement Process

    Are you a researcher from outside the EU and have you received an employment contract in R&D in Ireland? Watch this guide on the Hosting Agreement Scheme, which is a work permit for researchers in Ireland.Click HERE to watch and see attached pdf for more
  • Era talent

    EURAXESS now on ERA Talent Platform

    EURAXESS Ireland is dedicated to providing practical information to researchers embarking on mobility ventures, whether coming to or leaving Ireland for research roles. With the launch of the new ERA-Talent platform, accessing the EURAXESS portal and other essential services for researchers just got...
  • stamp 4

    Update to eligibility requirements for Stamp 4 upgrades

    Employees residing in the State on a Stamp 1 or 1H permission are eligible for a Stamp 4 upgrade upon completion of 21 months from commencement of employment in the State, on the basis of: (i) a Critical Skills Employment Permit (ii) a Hosting Agreement as a Researcher (iii) a Multi-Site General...
  • Registration

    Transfer of registration responsibility for Cork and Limerick

    From 8 July 2024, the first time registration of Irish residence permissions for applicants residing in counties Cork and Limerick has now been carried out at the Registration Office, 13-14 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2. This will be in addition to the current registrations for counties Dublin, Kildare...
  • Visa updates

    Visa Requirement for nationals of Botswana and South Africa

    Effective from July 10, 2024, holders of South African and Botswanan passports will be subject to Irish visa requirements. This means they will need to obtain an Irish visa before traveling to Ireland. A visa is required for all visitors, including researchers on Hosting Arrangements. There is a...
  • Euraxess Ireland cover

    National Review of State Supports for PhD Researchers in Ireland

    This report recommendnds  a national stipend of €25k to PhD students in Ireland. Government needs to ensure that budget is provided to funders & to universities to finance this investment in our research talent & avoid a severe reduction in postgraduate researcher numbers.