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Working in EuropeResearch LandscapeIreland

Research Centres in Ireland


Research in Ireland focuses on a wide range of priority research areas. The following information goes through the range of research centres in Ireland that focus on specialised areas. The research centres are split into the following research areas even though the majority of the centres cover other research areas:

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)


ADAPT-Centre for Digital Content Platform Research

The Centre for Digital Content Platform Research (ADAPT) is Ireland's global centre of excellence for digital content and media innovation. ADAPT’s cutting-edge technologies enable businesses in all sectors to harness global digital content and media technologies to achieve unprecedented engagement among customers, companies and communities.

Tyndall National Institute

Tyndall National Institute is one of Europe’s leading research centres, specialising in information and communications technology (ICT) hardware and systems. Tyndall is focused on developing technology solutions for health, communications, energy, agriculture, food, marine and the environment sectors.

CeADAR-Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research

The Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research (CeADAR) is an industry-focused technology centre for the development and deployment of big data analytics technology and innovation, focusing on developing tools, techniques and technologies that enable people, organisations and industries to use analytics for better decision making.


CLARITY is a research centre that focuses on the intersection between two important research areas - Adaptive Sensing and Information Discovery - to develop innovative new technologies of critical importance to Ireland's future industry base and contribute to improving the quality of life of people in areas such as personal health, digital media and management of our environment.


The Learnovate Centre is leading learning innovation to provide real impact for our industry partners and position Ireland as a global leader in learning technologies.

Lero-The Irish Software Research Centre

The Irish Software Research Centre (LERO) brings together leading software teams from universities and institutes of technology in a co-ordinated centre of research excellence with a strong industry focus.

MCCI-Microelectronic Circuits Centre Ireland

MCCI’s (Microelectronic Circuits Centre Ireland) mission is to increase the export revenue and employment levels of microelectronics companies located in Ireland.

CONNECT-The Centre for Future Networks and Communications

The Centre for Future Networks and Communications (CONNECT) is the follow-on from CTVR, and is a flagship research centre for communications networking, services, applications and technologies. CTVR is Ireland’s national telecommunications research centre, researching and designing wireless and optical telecommunication networks and technologies.

Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)

The vision of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute is to be recognised as one of the leading international web science research institutes interlinking technologies, information and people to advance business and benefit society.

Insight-Centre for Data Analytics

At Insight Centre for Data Analytics we undertake high impact research in data analytics. We derive value from ‘Big Data’ and provide innovative technology solutions for industry and society by enabling better decision making.

ICHEC-Irish Centre for High-End Computing

The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) exploits emerging many-core computing and novel technologies to deliver efficiencies and innovations across a wide range of industries – 'Delivering innovation through industry-focused solutions'.

IPIC-Irish Photonic Integration Centre

The Irish Photonic Integration Centre (IPIC) brings together over 100 researchers from four institutes to develop new light-enabled technologies. Targeting the ICT, medical devices and diagnostics sectors, IPIC works with 18 industry partners to develop the next generation of highly compact and miniaturised photonics devices.

Walton Institute

The Walton Institute focus is on the dramatic changes occurring in the telecommunications software industry, and indeed on the wider converged communications industry, particularly in managing networks and in developing innovative new services for those networks.

Manufacturing and Materials


The following research centres are focused around manufacturing and materials which incorporates other research areas such as health, ICT, energy etc.

AMBER-Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research

Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research (AMBER) provides a partnership between leading materials science researchers and industry. The centre delivers internationally leading materials research with outputs including discoveries in the ICT, medical devices, pharma and industrial technology sectors.

CCAN-Collaborative Centre for Applied Nanotechnology

The Collaborative Centre for Applied Nanotechnology (CCAN) was established to help Irish-based companies to enhance their competitive advantage through nanoenabled and materials-based product innovation. CCAN helps companies to access expertise and funding from across the Irish nanotechnology and materials network.

Confirm - Smart Manufacturing

Confirm is the Science Foundation Ireland funded research centre for Smart Manufacturing. Confirm’s mission is to transform the manufacturing landscape in Ireland through excellent research which aims to develop new smart manufacturing technologies, education & public engagement programmes which will create a talent pipeline and promote positive public perceptions of manufacturing and the creation of a community of practice to position Ireland as global leaders in the adoption of Industry 4.0.

IMR - Irish Manufacturing Research

Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR) is a leading manufacturing Research and Technology Organisation with labs and industrial pilot lines in Dublin and Mullingar, Ireland.  IMR works with leading global and indigenous brands to demystify, andderisk new and emerging technologies and to deliver high impact collaborative research to enable global leadership in advanced manufacturing. 

IMR has over 60 researchers with 100’s years of combined Industry Expertise working in areas such as 3D printing, Data Analytics, Knowledge Management, Sustainable Manufacturing, Advanced Robotics and the Industrial Internet of Things.  IMR activities span national and European research collaborations, prototyping services, training and Industry networks.

IComp-Irish Centre for Composites Research

The Irish Centre for Composites Research (IComp) provides world class innovative R&D, consultancy and networking opportunities for industry throughout Ireland across all sectors where there are opportunities to use composite materials and associated technologies.

National Centre for Sensor Research

The National Centre for Sensor Research is a world renowned, large-scale, multidisciplinary research facility focused on the science and applications of chemical sensors and biosensors.

NIBRT-National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training

The National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training's (NIBRT) mission is to support the growth and development of all aspects of the biopharmaceutical industry in Ireland by becoming a global leader in biopharmaceutical manufacturing research, education and training.

PMTC-Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology Centre

The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology Centre (PMTC) is a leading industry-informed research centre focused on developing advanced technology solutions for all stages of pharmaceutical manufacturing. The market focused research delivers solutions to contemporary issues currently facing the pharmaceutical industry.

SEAM – South Eastern Applied Materials Research Centre

SEAM is an industry focused applied research centre, providing innovative materials engineering solutions for companies from a wide range of sectors, including bio-medical devices, pharmaceuticals, micro-electronics, precision engineering and industrial technologies. SEAM offers direct consultancy, characterisation, failure analysis and strategic research partnership programs (short, medium and long term) to support companies all over Ireland.

SSPC-Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre

The Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC), a global hub of pharmaceutical process innovation and advanced manufacturing, leads the way for next generation drug manufacture. The SSPC is the largest research collaboration in Ireland, and one of the largest globally, within the pharmaceutical area.




APC-Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre

The Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC) is a gastrointestinal health research centre exploring the role that gastrointestinal bacteria (microbiota) play in health and disease. The microbiota is a target for treatment and prevention of disease, and a source of functional food ingredients, new drugs and disease biomarkers

ARCH-Applied Research for Connected Health

Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) is the centre of connected health research in Ireland. People and technology come together through ARCH to deliver better health outcomes and prove these from economic, clinical, technology robustness and usability perspectives. ARCH adds value to R&D, creating and retaining jobs.

BDI-Biomedical Diagnostics Institute

The Biomedical Diagnostics Institute (BDI) is an academic–business–clinical partnership carrying out cutting-edge research programmes on the development of next-generation biomedical diagnostic devices. Our vision is to develop diagnostic and monitoring devices that directly address specific unmet clinical needs and translate these into the clinical setting

Centre for Human Proteomics (CHP)

The Centre for Human Proteomics (CHP) was established in May 2003 at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. The focus of the CHP is the application of proteomics technologies to identify proteins, their modifications and their role in disease.

Clinical Research Facilities and Centres (CRF/Cs)

The aim of the Clinical Research Facilities and Centres (CRF/Cs) is to provide the infrastructure, space and facilities, experienced research and specialist support staff, and the necessary quality and oversight programmes that are critical for the successful conduct of world-class patient-focused clinical research.

CÚRAM -The Centre for Research in Medical Devices

The objective for the Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM) is to radically improve health outcomes for patients by developing innovative implantable medical devices. Devices will be developed with strong clinical collaborations, with industry partners and hospital groups, to enable rapid translation to the clinic.

INFANT -The Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research

The Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT), located at Cork University Maternity Hospital, is Ireland’s first dedicated perinatal research centre. Founded upon a decade of world-class multidisciplinary collaborative research and an array of industry partnerships, INFANT is an international leader of discovery and innovation in perinatal healthcare.

PMBRC - Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre

The PMBRC is an applied research centre that commenced operations in 2009, consolidating research in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological sciences at South East Technological University (SETU) into one institutionally prioritised centre. Situated on the SETU campus in Waterford City, the centre seeks to support R&D activities within the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, thereby stimulating research and innovation and allowing companies to embed R&D directly into their activities

Researchers at the PMBRC include chemists, biologists, biomedical scientists, physicists and engineers, and the centre has established links with national and international partners in industry, academia and medical care institutions.

SBI-Systems Biology Ireland

Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) develops new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of lifestyle and age-related diseases. The centre specialises in the collection and integration of fragmented molecular, physiological and individual patient data for clinical and industrial settings.

REMEDI-The Regenerative Medicine Institute

The Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) is a research centre focused on using stem cell and regenerative medicine technologies to treat human disease. REMEDI's mission is to conduct basic research in stem cell biology, and translate and commercialise the results to regenerative therapeutics.

Molecular Medicine Ireland

Molecular Medicine Ireland was established as a research partnership to accelerate the translation of biomedical research into improved diagnostics and therapies for patients.



DPTC-The Dairy Processing Technology Centre

The Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC) is an industry–academic collaborative research centre, hosted by the University of Limerick, with a research agenda driven by the long-term growth opportunities for the dairy sector created by the removal of milk quotas in 2015.

FHI -Food for Health Ireland

Food for Health Ireland (FHI) unites world-class science and industry expertise to improve health through innovation in food. Its purpose is to identify novel ingredients coming from milk to develop functional food ingredients that will offer health benefits to consumers.

Teagasc-Food Research Centres

Teagasc supports science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and wider bio-economy that underpins profitability, competitiveness and sustainability. It contributes to the national programme of innovation activities including the creation of commercially-applicable knowledge



An Foras Feasa

Foras Feasa will advance the generation and utilisation of interactive media by its emphasis on the incorporation of information and communication technology into the study

Business Processes


FMC2 -Financial Mathematics and Computation Cluster

The Financial Mathematics and Computation Cluster (FMC2) is a research collaboration between industry, UCD, DCU and Maynooth University. The group brings together complementary expertise in financial mathematics, financial economics and computer science to create a holistic research programme in asset and risk management

GRCTC -Financial Services Governance, Risk and Compliance Technology Centre

The Financial Services Governance, Risk and Compliance Technology Centre (GRCTC) is undertaking industry- and business-focused R&D on the regulatory compliance challenges facing the financial industry. The Centre’s current research focus is on the development of semantic technologies and capability maturity models to help address these issues.

IC4-The Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce

The Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4) is a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary research centre whose mandate is to carry out rapid turnaround, applied research projects in areas of cloud computing that are chosen by its industrial members

IVI-Innovation Value Institute

The Innovation Value Institute’s (IVI) contribution to Government and industry is the availability of a body of knowledge that directs those managing information and technology in the most effective practices dedicated to optimising their investment and delivering business outcomes and value.



iCRAG-Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences

The Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) brings together Ireland’s leading geoscience experts on issues underpinning economic development – from safe and secure groundwater supplies to the discovery of mineral/aggregate deposits, and from derisking oil and gas exploration to educating and informing the public on geoscience-related issues.

IERC-International Energy Research Centre

The International Energy Research Centre (IERC) leads collaborative research to meet global societal needs for secure, affordable and sustainable energy services. It is focused on demand side energy efficiency and embedded energy generation at the building, community and city levels.

Marine Institute

The Marine Institute is the State agency responsible for marine research, technology, development and innovation. We support the sustainable development of Ireland’s vast marine resource through research, monitoring, strategic funding programmes and national marine research platforms.

MaREI-Marine Renewable Energy Ireland

Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) Centre is a cluster of key academic and industrial partners dedicated to solving the main scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges related to marine renewable energy.

TCBB -Technology Centre for Biorefining and Bioenergy

Ireland’s national Technology Centre for Biorefining and Bioenergy (TCBB) is your ideal project partner for applied research programmes such as Horizon 2020 and the Bio-Based Industries joint undertaking (BBI) to develop the commercial potential of Ireland’s biomass resources. Partnering industry with research: innovation for a sustainable and competitive bio-based economy.

SEES-Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems

The Electricity Research Centre (ERC) is a unique collaboration between academia and major players in the electricity industry to tackle fundamental and applied research questions underpinning the development of the Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems Cluster (SEES Cluster).


Social Science, Art and Humanities


Irish Social Sciences Platform

A key objective for ISSP researchers is to take an active role in key social, economic and cultural policy debates in the effort to sustain the Tiger economy that presently seems to have lost its roar.

The Long Room Hub

We seek to encourage and foster innovative interdisciplinary research across the entire spectrum of the arts and humanities at Trinity. We have a particular interest in stimulating research that will unlock the treasures of the College’s incomparable Library, and in encouraging the application of new technologies to arts and humanities research.

The Moore Institute

The mission of the Moore Institute is to promote research and research-led teaching, and to solicit financial support for the best younger scholars from any country who wish to work either alone or in multi-disciplinary groups.